“Best Ever” Anzac Biscuits

“Best Ever” Anzac Biscuits

Hello Sili Fam! Here is a sweet treat for you to enjoy, our all time favourite Anzac biscuits. I promise you will not be disappointed; these are always a hit!

Sili Baking Mat with anzac biscuits

Makes 30


· 1 cup rolled oats

· 1 cup sifted plain flour

· 1 cup desiccated coconut

· 3/4 cup brown sugar

· 125g unsalted butter

· 1tbsp golden syrup

· 2tbsp boiling water

· 1tsp bicarb soda

· Chocolate buttons for top (optional)


1. Preheat oven to 160°c fan forced.

2. Combine oats, flour, coconut and sugar.

3. In a small saucepan, combine butter and syrup and stir until melted.
4. In a small jug, combine water and bicarb soda, stir into butter mixture and combine all with dry ingredients.

5. Roll tablespoons of mixture into balls. Space 4cm apart. Flatten gently with fingertips.

6. Bake for 12 minutes. Remove from oven and immediately place chocolate buttons on top and press gently. Transfer onto wire rack to cool.
I hope you love these delicious sweet treats and they become your next go-to crowd pleaser.
Giota xx
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